Mga Pahina

Lunes, Hulyo 16, 2012

My Generation's Cry: I compare

I have been praying about God's will for my life.

I admit that I am distracted and attracted to achieve to be famous -- a star, the only bright and shining star in my own universe.

I want to be like the teens and young people I see in TV, school, malls… even at church (Too bad).
Yes. It is already a culture.

Before the only problem was anorexia.
Many teens, especially girls, are so conscious about their weight, how they look…. If they are “fat”.
And the sad part is, they base their “fatness” on other people’s perspective.

Who defines “fatness”?
Who defines “beauty”?

I am sad that in the course of this trends, I am a victim of these emerging thinking.

I have to show some flesh,
wear make-up,
tight clothes that hugs my body and shows my body shape,
have my chin up high, etc.

I am tempted.

As a Chrisitian, I am NOT excused of these temptations…. And STRUGGLE.

I WANT to be a STAR too.
I want the people’s attention and awe.
………. to be praised like the others.
………. to be considered as desirable.
I want to be looked upon,
Searched for and added in Facebook.

I want to have more than 100 likes for a stolen photo.
I want to be beautiful wherever I go and whatever occasion.
I want to be famous.
I want to be the idol of other girls.
I want to be envied – meaning I have much to offer than they.


Is this what I am living for?
Is this what I’d die for?

Is this the legacy that I want to leave?


God, I am searching….
I feel dissatisfied even when You already found me.
Look at me.
I am in desperate need.

Come to my rescue!

1 komento:

toughassassin_13 ayon kay ...

It's not that I always pray.

Prayer is also a struggle for me.

But whenever I remember, or whenever the atmosphere draws me to pray, I sigh.