Mga Pahina

Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2012


*Another Bible Study guide or lessons from the book of Ruth

June 3, 2012

Have you ever experienced settling in another place? How did you feel? What where your “sacrifices”? Let’s follow a story of a young woman who followed her deceased husband’s mother to another country, and there found a new husband.

Picture a PITIFUL scene.

Three women, all widows and with NO one to care for them.
NO husband.
NO children.
NO means of support.
NO proper protection.
And now, they plan to travel to a distant country that was once  the homeland of the older widow – the foreign one, the Jewish woman.

Naomi was in a bit of hurry and anxious.
Orpah was deep in thought.
But the other young woman, Ruth, walks with determination. Her mind is made up.

These women had enough time to bond. They were family. Their mutual care did not stop when death broke their official tie. They clung together during the wakes.

1. Naomi now wanted to go home.
Have you ever lost something or someone because you “left” God/ passed by God’s boundary?
·        Moab was a perennial enemy of Israel. Moabites were forbidden to enter the assembly of God. In this land, people have an idolatrous worship to Chemosh, who requires child sacrifice. How could Naomi lived in such a society?
·        The original intention of Elimelech was to stay in Moab FOR A WHILE until the famine is gone. But the MARRIAGE of their sons to Moabite woman suggests that they already SETTLED in the land. 

2. Orpah left but Ruth stayed
Naomi showed selfless love. This proves their relationships.
·        We are also faced with this kind of decision when obeying God and following Him “blindly” comes our way. When “Naomi” pleads with you to abandon her, do you?
o   Would you go back to your old way of life? To your people and your gods? (1:15)
o   Would you really LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND YOU to go to the land God wants you to go?
·        Naomi pleaded with Orpah and Ruth not just once. This TESTED their WANT to be with Naomi.
·        Do you choose convenience?
·        Do you live by sight?
·        How does your faith face uncertainties?

3. Ruth wanted to STAY with Naomi.
·        Ruth’s faithfulness gave her the privilege of being part of the Messianic lineage.
·        Ruth followed the path Abraham took (Joshua 24:2)
·        Naomi and her family must have influenced these women in regards with their faith. Does yours?

4. God’s sovereign and providential care of seemingly unimportant people at apparently insignificant times which later prove to be monumentally crucial to accomplish God’s will.
·        Do you become bitter when circumstances are not in your favor? Naomi was the “Christian” while Ruth was not yet one. Naomi was not hopeful. Naomi had the reaction of Job’s wife. (Job 2:10) What does your reaction show?
·        The question, “Is this Naomi?” shows the toll that hardship had on her.
·        Naomi left during the famine with her husband and two sons. Now she only had Ruth. Ruth became known as someone who left everything to be with her mother-in-law.
·        Boaz took NOTICE of Ruth DURING WORK TIME
·        Ruth wanted to provide for Naomi (Worked from morning till evening)
·        Boaz’ field
o   immediate provision
o   protection from harm
o   potential provision for the near future for Boaz was a near kinsman

5. Boaz, a type of Christ
·        Are you keen to God’s leading like Naomi? Ruth’s unintentional gleaning to Boaz’ field.
·        Maybe there are “Ruths” in your life that reminds you of God’s providence. Ruth was a foretaste of future Gentile conversion.
·        Ruth is worth more than 7 (full) sons. When Ruth left the floor, she knew that she would never again be empty-handed.
o   Boaz was faithful to the Mosaic law. He allowed the harvest NOT to be gleaned to the corners for the needy. He and his workers expressed exceptional godliness (2:4) He even went beyond the letter. He had integrity – doing the righteous thing for Ruth. He was willing to do what is right and to pay a full price. How are you in your workplace? In everyday life?
·        Ruth showed moral uprightness. Boaz talks to her with respect.
o   Did not engage in immorality
o   Did not marry outside the family
o   Appealed to the levirate redemption to an old, godly man, Boaz
o   Unlike Perez, Tamar and Judah’s story
·        God can turn misfortune to fortune. As a brother, Christ came to redeem us. (Boaz must have been a brother of Elimelech)
o   God removes the obstacles (nearer kinsman-redeemer)

Because of Ruth’s faithfulness, David and Jesus Christ were born.
The blessing of in-laws J

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