Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Hulyo 18, 2012

I do NOT have Time

It’s really sad when people say that they “Do NOT have time for….”,
Especially when about church, family and the like.

I witnessed a lot of youth telling this indirectly.
Actions, I believe, speak louder than words.

They do NOT have time for church and family,
Yet you see their Facebook walls bombarded with “the things they ARE DOING”

There is a TRUTH and a LIE in this statement.

We really do NOT have TIME to do ALL that we want.
We doN’t.
We do NOT have  ALL the time to WASTE OUR LIVES.
Every minute that is lost is a lost minute of our lives.

Even as I write,
I make a CHOICE.
I make a choice to spend a few minutes of my life to write this.
I choose to INVEST my life in SHARING this.
I hope you CHOOSE to SPEND your LIFE WISELY.

The advancement of technology makes this FASTER.
It makes stuff to be done EASIER.
But a consequence of this is the LACK of PERSONAL TOUCH.
I would love to receive a HANDWRITTEN letter than a computerized one.

So TAKE TIME to INVEST on the more important things than
Hanging out for hours in Facebook --- stalking,
Watching for hours,
Looking intently at yourself in the mirror,
Working all your way in the gym, etc.

I do NOT say these are not worth it.
BUT you can measure if THEY ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU than people.

BEWARE of the LIE that you have A LOT OF TIME.
People could meet an ACCIDENT while they are on their way to school, work, etc.
Older people, most of the time, could have a health failure.
You… even you… something may happen to you along the way.
You never know.
So TAKE time.

I do not know if you will agree or not, but here’s a thought:
You ONLY have TIME for IMPORTANT things.
Your days are already written.
Someone knew when you were born, and He also already knows when it will end.

All of your days are already ordained BEFORE you came to be.

I guess it means that you just have the enough time to do what was already written?

We all have around 365 days a year,
12 months a year,
At most 31 days a month,
24 hours a day,
60 minutes an hour,
60 seconds a minute, and so on….

But why are other people MORE SUCCESSFUL?
Why are others MORE HAPPY than I am?
Why some seem to be SO CONTENTED with their lives?

Guess you already read the answer earlier.
TAKE TIME to REALIGN your life.
And you will Find.

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