Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Hulyo 18, 2012

Backstory of "I doN't have Time" Blog

It's our exam week.
Haven't really studied for the exams.
Didn't review earlier.
I don't have enough time to waste.

Our elderly neighbor got sick.
She is in the hospital right now.
She doesn't have much time to live says her doctor.

She had a stroke.

So, here I was... so focused on my exams and of course CRAMMING.

I was guilty.
I perceived here sickness and our visitation to her as a nonsense,
Something that will just eat up my time.

I didn't realize that I was prioritizing the wrong things.

I had time to check my Facebook for nothing,
to greet the people there a "Happy Birthday",
to have devotional time and all, but
I forgot to PUT all of this kindness to REAL PRACTICE.

We may not have her for long.
The doctor said after a week,
her family will be asked if they still want her to stay in the hospital or to be brought home.

I was looking at the wrong things.
I was looking at her condition as a disturbance to my schedule.

LIFE is definitely SHORT.

I may be here in just a couple of years,
or maybe days if something will happen.

O, God, may we have Your heart.

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