Mga Pahina

Martes, Pebrero 21, 2012

No Other Substitute

Let's face it. A substitute could never really replace the original. A substitute could almost be like the original but never equal the original.

As I have written earlier, I am a kind of stressed because of the things that I must do. And because I want to "condition" myself before I do those stuffs, I resort to doing what I want.

I try to delay my tasks and then cram them when the deadlines are already near.

I try to escape them in sense. But actually, I cannot escape them. Escaping them won't solve them.

Do not put your dirt under the carpet. They'll just pile up. They won't disapper.

Better face the challenges ahead and exit through the front door rather than escape through any other route like the prisoner in the picture :D

So yeah, back to the topic :)

I was substituting God for other things. I was looking for "heaven" on other things.

Actually, right now, I want to feel pressured, but I try not to be overwhelmed. It's already past 5 in the afternoon, and I haven't really finished anything.

But before anything else, I will take the time to have devotions after I publish this. god has no other substitute. Can't miss a dose of Him everyday :)

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