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Martes, Pebrero 21, 2012

Only Child

I think it's kindda unusual to meet another only child person. :)

When I was growing up, being an only child was not an issue. I didn't even notice that I was until someone pointed it out.

Actually, I didn't feel that I was. Same thing until now :)

I am encouraged to write about being an only child, since I notice that my family and I defy the popular thinking about having an only child and being an only child :D

I am proud and happy to confirm just that :)

I just came home because of something about our upcoming thesis proposal defense. When I came in the house, I felt the concern my family has for me. But not to the degree as my other friends' family would pamper them.

Yeah. I noticed that :)

I have this two friends whose mom and dad would give them a lot of money, so they could buy what he want. That's how their parents shower love for him. And I was, "Wow! Wish I have that money."

And there's another one whose mom is always supportive of the extracurricular activities of her daughter. Her mom is even the one who encourages and enlists her daughter to different types of extracurricular activities.

I think her mom's dream is to make her child a superstar. Wow! Wish I could be that kid.

Yeah. I have these jealousies about other kids' blessings.

If the popular thinking is only child is spoiled, think again. Many have told me I'm not. Sometimes I wish I was so I could get all that I want, but at other times I wish to stay here in this state as it is.

Sometimes I'm satisfied. Sometimes I'm not.

But as I look back, I am glad of who I became because of the people who came and molded me. I am blessed with my family.

I have learned to be independent. I have appreciated my family more, because they know how to treat me in such a way that I could stand on my own.

I am okay with or without people around me. But ofcourse, I would still choose to have people around me.

These advantages have their downsides too. But I guess I couldn't have someone else's life. I could not strive to beat them in their "fields". I can't compete with others just to prove to myself that "I am still better even if you already  have what I want".

I do have that kind of feeling. I am frustrated when others have what I want. All the more if they have it without really doing much effort. It's really meant for them.

Oh... We people are really like this noh?

We keep on looking behind our shoulders to check what others have that we forgot to appreciate, be thankful and cherish the things that we have.

I am one of the guilty ones. It's hard to life a life in which you keep on comparing yourself to others.

And because of this, I want to be totally independent from other people. THese people are those whom I compare myself with :) I want to get rid of my comparison with them. :)

I too am like those guys I'm jealous of to other people. It's a complement if you know someone is jealous of you. It just shows that you have something admirable and rare, that's why others can't have it in just a snap.

I don't dare encourage jealousy and comparison.. with the exception of making yourself better by being encouraged with another person's passion to achieve :)

Only you can be you. Only you can be exactly where you are right now :)

Others think an only child already has everything. Well, this depends on where they look at. :)

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