Mga Pahina

Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2012

Get Up and Gear Up (Ephesians 6:10-24)

Get Up and Gear Up
(Ephesians 6:10-24)

·        This was a PRISON letter
o   For someone who literally suffered much, he also knows much
o   Sufferings in the flesh led him to NOT hold on to this world but to look FORWARD, towards the GOAL
o   If we were to look for someone reliable in terms of spiritual battle, Paul is on the top list
o   The words to Ananais came true: I will show him how much he must suffer for my name (Acts 9:16)
§  Are you a Christian living at ease?
§  Most of us could NOT comprehend this spiritual and EVERYDAY battle, because as long as we are comfortable, we are fine with that. No changes, no urge to move forward
§  Do you hold on to this world?
§  The things you spend your time, energy, money and resources with reveals what are the things that are really important to you
·        The UNSEEN war does NOT make it fiction. It’s just that our FOCUS is NOT into it.
o   Be CAREFUL! Do NOT be deceived to believe that there is NO battle and that there are nothing and no one to loose, because there is. Example
o   We are God’s soldiers. There IS a spiritual war, so do NOT
§  Slumber or weaken your guard. The enemy is sneaky. He does NOT use the obvious tools right now. Those are not so deceiving. Example
§  Be deceived that there is NO battle. Are we greater than Paul to contend this? You can prove it yourself.
§  Soldiers do NOT associate with ordinary human affairs. They have orders to execute. So do NOT think that you have ENOUGH time for extras. You do NOT know where you will be needing to battle.
§  Think that you are in control. We take orders.
§  Be UNready. Lucky is the enemy who can catch you unguarded. During the battle, you can’t ask your commander or fellow soldier to teach you how to fight! Be prepared beforehand and EVERYDAY!
·        Paul closes Ephesians with a warning about spiritual warfare
o   He wants to show and emphasize the reality of this. We do not know what were the situation in Ephesus, but this has not changed its effectiveness nor truth
o   This CALLS us to be RESPONSIBLE to look after ourselves. It’s our own self that is at stake. And that means one less soldier for God.
o   This is a CHALLENGE for us to GO BEYOND feeding ourselves, acquiring much energy and knowledge. Stand up! Level up! Get up and Gear up!

·        Php 4:13, 2Timothy 2:1
·        Allow yourselves to be KEPT IN God
·        The power of Satan over Christians is broken through the death of JC on the cross.
·        The end result of this all is already written in your own Bibles. But we are still in our “waiting” time. We are waiting for God’s proper time. What are we waiting for? (Other God’s children to be revealed, For God to accomplish the BEST scenes for victory, etc)
·        And while we wait, temptations and battles are on. But we do NOT fight these with our own strength. We seek for God’s. This IS HIS battle too as being numbered to us.
·        We do NOT battle on our own way and means. That is NOT how it works. If you ever tried doing it, you know how bad the fall hurts. We CAN’T.
·        When God provides a problem, He also provides a solution. Count on Him. Give a GREAT FAITH worthy of a GREAT GOD.
·        “Put on” indicates permanence of the armor. You do not take it off not now, not then. This analogy is from the Roman soldiers’ armor. You need to SUSTAIN this if you want to take hold a POSITION while under attack.
·        “Schemes” – the Gr. Word denotes cleverness, craftiness, cunningness and deception. These are carried in the world system which Satan rules through demon hosts. This includes and encompasses every sin, immoral practice, false theology, false religion and worldly enticement.
o   These “schemes” do NOT OPENLY identify themselves as Satan’s. For it they were, they wouldN’T be so deceiving. Example
·        “Devil”- opposing God’s work, perverting God’s Word, hindering God’s servants and gospel, snaring the righteous, holding the world in his power
o   Have you ever noticed that people living in the worldly system never get to bother with this battle? They are on their “home court”
·        This battle is MORE than it seems. You know who you are fighting with but you CAN’T see him. Yet he knows your greatest weakness, your downfalls and desires. He can use you as his bait and his secret weapon against you.
·        Heaven and earth are NOT different worlds. They are just different expressions of the same reality – Philip Yancey  - This was depicted in the famous story of Job
·        Earth is their arena. The devil wishes to snatch God’s children that were possible.
·        “Struggle”- hand to hand combat. Coping with deceptive temptation requires truth and righteousness or you will be led astray, because you have not anchor or basis of what they are. P. Pabiona said that to know the fake one, you must be attuned with the real one. So that one look at the false will automatically tell you what it is.
·        4 designations describe the different strata and ranking of demons and evil supernaturals. They are HIGHLY STRUCTURED for MOST DESTRUCTIVE purposes. This is a battle remember? Do NOT take Satan cheap. He was one of the best, he has his own army and he is god now.
·        “Flesh and blood” – 2Co 10:3-5
·        “Spiritual forces” – possible includes depraved abominations, extreme sensual perversion, occultism, Satan worship.
v. 13
·        We treat these words verse by verse, because they are rich and NECESSARY. If you want to operate a system, you do not scan and skip the parts. You use it as a whole.
·        FULL armor of God. Not just a part, the part that you want. BUT the WHOLE. NO exceptions. If you want this armor to be effective, swallow it as a whole.
·        You wear it NOW. You cannot wear it when you perceive the enemy. This will get you off guard and might kill you in the process.
·        The 1st 3 (girdle, breastplate, shoes) – worn continually
·        Last 3 (shield, helmet, sword) – kept ready for use
·        “Evil” – since the fall of man, every day has been evil
·        DONE EVERYTHING to stand. DO NOT FALL

v. 14
·        “Stand firm then” against confronting Satan’s efforts to distrust God, forsaking obedience, producing doctrinal confusion, hindering service to God, bringing division, serving God in the flesh, being a hypocrite, being worldy, rejecting God’s armor.
·        Girdle – soldier wear a loose tunic. Combat hand to hand, loose tunic hindrance. Belt used to tuck in. Pulling loose ends in preparation for battle. Compose yourself. Truthfullness- sincere desire to fight and win, self-discipline to victory. Everything that hinders is tucked.
·        Breatplate- covering full torso, protecting heart and organs. Lack of holiness leaves us vulnerable to the enemy.

15 – boots with nails for grip. Good news. Christ is on our side. Divine support that the believer stand firm.

16- large shield, protect whole body. Basic trust in God. Continual trust. “Addition”.
Arrows- quenched by the oil-treated shield.

17-protect head, major target in battle. Knock it out, you’re out. Not speaking of attaining salvation. These people are already saved. Satan seeking to destroy Christians’ assurance. Although there may be a feeling that we doubt our salvation, we do not hold it.  It is eternally protected and in God’s hands.

Sword- the only weapon like JC in the desert. More powerful than satan’s. offensive and defensive. Destroy enemy.

18-prayer of petition, frequency, in the Spirit’s submission, line with the will of God. Alert-manner, perseverance-persistence, all saints-object

19-20: not physical but for eternal. Boldness and faithfulness in sharing God’s word like a true soldier. He was willing to die for this. Not for comfort but to accomplish his task.

21- convert from Turkey. Accompanied Paul and was sent to missions.

23-24: benediction, reminding faith, peach from God and JC 

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