Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Pebrero 22, 2012

Fashion.. Fixing Yourself to Look Beautiful... = Insecure?

I was in the CR with one of my girl friends. We were waiting for another friend.

So we both started to fix ourselves in front of the mirror. The usual thing for girls to do :)

And then I remembered what my guy classmate told me when I went out of the CR after he and my other classmates waited for me so long.

He said....

Ang tagal mo naman sa banyo! Wala din namang nagbago sa itsura mo! (You took so long in the CR! And nothing changed in your looks!)

I could tell he was irritated hehe :)

But it was a very learning experience :)

I told this story to my girl friend while we were fixing ourselves in front of the mirror.

I didn't notice that there were a lot of ladies grooming theirselves around us.

So I kept on talking... Telling what was my reaction and how I felt etc...

And after we left the CR, my girl friend told me that those ladies around us were halted in what they were doing. They listened  to the story I was telling.


I didn't really mind them! (Slap on the forehead)

They were all so busy grooming theirselves and then I told that story in front of them. I could really imagine their faces.

So, there goes my story....

My friend told me that maybe it was already destined to be that way to remind those ladies to just be simple and not consume much of their time on outward appearance.

But I totally admite that it was a "Me and My Big Mouth" moment.

I heard another person saying that those who are concerned of how they look so much are insecure people.

They find  their value and pleasure on the outward, temporary.

I am more convinced that maybe what happend in that CR was really meant to be. Hope these "insecure" people evaluate themselves and see their true worth aside from physical appearance :)

Hey! It's not that you don't fix/ groom yourself anymore. Just dont overdo and be so concerned about it. If people really like you, they will like you even if you are not that "pretty" anymore.

You can't be imprisoned by your curls, make-up and clothes always.

With or without them, you are beautiful. They are just accessories to the beauty that you already have :)

Stay pretty.. simple... and natural!

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