Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Abril 30, 2014

To Take Away My Innocence is to be Aware

I dreamt of being an ambassador. I would like to campaign for so many things, especially towards people - to protect them and lead them. All pleasure is mine.

But instead, I'm taking Medicine now as my post-graduate studies.

Oookkkaay... I could still be an ambassador in my own way. It's just that, I won't be paid for most of the time. I may need to volunteer to be one too. So...


Anyway, one of the things that I like to campaign is the proper education of young children towards sexuality.

With the great help of mass media,
children are obviously exposed and are UNsupervised in their exposure.

This is a threat to all of us, to our future generation. We are being corrupted through the lure of SEX through the means of PLEASURE.

A simple like this...

May already mean like this...
to them if they are not guided. We all know how emotions are easily deceived - how easy we make ourselves believe.

Children must therefore be well educated and oriented. I agree on teaching a child about these things, when I have already assessed that he was previously exposed to sexuality. It may or may not mean anything to him yet, but

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)"
It's so true. He will have these packs that you have prepared for him early on the way. He will just need to unpack them soon, even as early as now.
Stay tuned. This article is just the introduction.
Pls read my next article.
Children (and even adults) are lured to wrong sexuality through the mechanism of pleasure. Advertisements present that if you have sex, you will have pleasure. Let me show you why sex in NOT equal to pleasure.
"Porn is NOT Love"

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