Mga Pahina

Lunes, Pebrero 20, 2012

Be Certain of the Uncertain

Lately, I feel stressed about school works haha! I don't really know how to "attack" them and so finish them. It seems like I have been shooting my efforts just here and there and don't really get to hit the target.

I just don't want to waste time anymore. All the more now that it's already our finals. A lot of requirements are being squeezed into this short period of time.

All of these "things to do" have one thing in common: Before I start doing them, they must be thought and planned carefully.

I can't just do a little part now and then a little part later. I must "attack" them in the best speedy way which yields good quality. Can't compromise quality for speed and vice versa.

I typically like challenges. And I am excited to "attack" these tasks ahead. But they just seem so overwhelming when I get to "see" them in my planner.

This is really gives me a headache. I have to be certain of the uncertain, so my efforts won't be put to waste. (Imagine juggling thesis, speed, quality, deadlines, groupmates, everyday lessons, assignments, being a daughter, personal devotional time with God, etc.)

There are so much at stake. I don't want to compromise my life just because of T-A-S-K-S. I don't want to let then rule over me. They won't dictate my life.

I must be in control...... But I'm not :(

The truth is I am not in control of anything. Many times I am being frustrated. And I have to live like that. I will never be in control. Therefore, I could never be certain of the things to come.

That is why I admire those who could plan and consider all the details that may come. They know how to PREPARE. They could envision what may come.

As for me, I always live for the present. I must learn that kind of planning and thinking.

Actually, I don't know where to go to or whom to ask for me to be taught to be like that. Among all the options, only one choice stands out in its reliability to answer this problem of mine --- God.

He sees the end from the start.

Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
I think it was Apostle Paul who argued in the Bible that if we TRUST HIM for our SALVATION, then we could also TRUST HIM for the petty things of this life :)

No one for sure is certain of the future. But God says HE IS.

And also, the Bible says that if God gave Jesus to us, then how much more can He give all other things through Him :)

It is also written that a thousand days is but a day to the Lord :)

This God is amazing! He is infinitely BIG, more than enough for our needs... and wants :)

We could be CERTAIN of the UNCERTAIN if we go with Him :)

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