Mga Pahina

Sabado, Hunyo 11, 2011

Emo in another sense (An article I wrote during my 4th year in high school I think haha!)

Emo in another sense
By: Marika Grace Palasi

Crying is often associated with ‘weaklings’. So, if someone often cries, we call him ‘cry baby’. And no one wants to be called like that. But people frequently make a conclusion out of few instances. So when you cry even just once, they call you ‘cry baby’.

Because of this, many of us youths try to avoid showing our feelings, specifically crying. Everybody wants to have a strong image. We always want to project that we are okay, but the fact is, we are not OK. I too had been one of the majorities who chose to be artificially okay. And believe me, it was hard to be somebody else. But truly tears are not meant to be held back....... Yet they are meant to be wiped.

Our garden and my bedroom became my regular prayer and confession place to God.

Before, I don’t stop and unload my heavy feelings. I moved on day to day with burdens pilling up inside me. And in the end, I ended up feeling worse than before. I weep, wail, and think so much before the Lord who changed me. ‘Cause I don’t know how but there’s power when I’m on my knees. And that’s what I concluded. Now, I know how to survive in laughter or, especially, in pain.

We all can’t deny that we all get a piece of pain in this world.

We are all warriors in our own lives. We fight problems in our school, friends, community, spirituality and even in our families.

There’s no safe place to be pain free. So I was comforted when I first heard Gary V’s The Warrior is a Child. The songs says that winners also get pained in the fight. It doesn’t mean that those who are now stable didn’t go through challenges. But the winner warrior drops his sword and cry for just awhile, because deep inside the armor, the warrior is weak, a baby.

God is close to the broken hearted, says the Bible. He never forgets his own.

 Psalm 103:13-14 says, “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers we are dust/fragile.”

So He also says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).” So “if God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)” And in our case, if God is for us, what can be against us? Nothing! For ‘all things works for good for those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)’

‘He never promised there is always sunshine. He never promised there would be no rain. He only promised a heart of singing to the very things that once caused pain.’ as a music tells us.

 We are not home yet. We are in our exodus to our promise land. Since we are not home yet, this is not the end

In heaven, there will be no suffering. So for a while, cry if you must. Hiding the feelings are not good for you.

Crying is not a sign of defeat, nor is it a sign of cowardice. But it is a sign of weakness. Wiping the tears and drying your eyes is also a sign weakness, but despite the weakness, you can stand up and surpass your previous condition.

Weep. Wail. Beat your breast. Be an Emo in another sense. And then get the sword and fight again. For after crying, you can see more clearly.

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